Although we’ve had a few “summery” winter days recently here in California, today is officially the first day of spring! 🙂 I thought I’d share some craft ideas to help you and your kiddos ring in allergy season. 😉 Here are 3 things C and I made over the past few weeks that remind me of spring:
1. Sock Chick. C needed to make a 3-D farm animal for school, so she (of course) chose a chick. After wandering around the dollar store for ideas, we came across a yellow sock that got our creative juices flowing. All the other supplies were from the dollar store as well; the only other things you need are stuffing, a needle and thread, and a glue gun.

Supplies: a yellow sock, pack of googly eyes, pack of foam to cut out beak and feet, fake flowers for feathers, and fake hay and basket for a nest. (Hula hoop for decoration and entertainment purposes only). 😉
2. Rice Krispy Chicks. Speaking of chicks, C got a box of DIY rice krispy chicks from my sister (which I believe she found at Cost Plus World Market). They were super easy to make and fun to decorate. (Note: I decided to err on the side of caution and forego the fluorescent yellow dye powder that had Made in China imprinted on the bag, as well as the candy eyes also from my homeland. For the sake of our health, we used chocolate chips for the eyes instead.) And yes, C did allow us to eat them when we were done (which was not the case last year when she wanted to buy a package of yellow Peeps; those sat untouched in our fridge for months).
3. Fruit Drawings. This was a craft C did on a field trip to a children’s museum last week. The idea was to choose some laminated pictures of fruit, trace them and create your own person/animal/creature out of them.
I hope these crafts got you in the mood for this new season. And here’s something else that will get you feelin’ like a spring chicken – “Rockin’ Robin” by The Jackson 5. 🙂
What do you love most about springtime?