Monday Mentionables: Style Blog, Disney Movie & Hair

Aren’t Mondays the craziest? Mondays in my house are what you call “hit the floor running” kind of days. There are breakfasts to make, lunches to pack, dishes to unload, etc. and etc. – all before 8AM! Then it’s out the door I go to buy food and other supplies for the week. Physically, mentally and emotionally, the day after a weekend tends to come pouncing on me like Tigger does to Winnie the Pooh and I just have to get my feet moving to avoid being crushed. 

Poor Pooh never sees Tigger coming! lol

So, in an effort to get my Mondays started off right (and also to ensure I blog more consistently), I’m creating a weekly series called “Monday Mentionables”. I’ll be posting about things that help me get in the right mindset or keep me thankful or are just plain fun -cause a square girl needs as much fun as she can get!

Here are today’s mentionables:

1.  Style Blog.  This is a fun style blog that I recently stumbled onto that has given me new ideas for my wardrobe. After almost 7 years of mommy-wear (think baggy tops and bottoms), I am starting to get my groove back (either that, or I’m hitting my mid-life crisis and just trying to look younger)! Because of Audrey’s blog, I bought a few belts and colored sandals (mint green!) and am putting a little more effort into my outfits. 🙂

At Target for about $15!

2. Radio Rebel. This is a Disney movie I watched recently. I actually really like teeny bopper movies and TV shows because they are light hearted and a bit more innocent. 🙂 This one’s about a shy girl by day who masquerades as a popular DJ by night. There’s the usual mean girl and cute boy involved and a happy ending where she finally learns to bring both sides of herself together. I really like this song on the soundtrack – “Now I Can Be The Real Me” by the leading man/boy Adam DiMarco.

3. Hair. I’ve waited about four years to be able to do C’s hair. It took about 3 years for the half inch of fuzz on her head to grow out and another year to convince her to let me style it. But now that the weather is so hot (thank you west coast heat wave), I get to do her hair almost every day. This is definitely a fun part of having a daughter. 🙂

A french braid!

Come on back next week for more Monday Mentionables! 

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