So … the good news is that I finished my latest story! The bad? Coming this October, it’s going to be out there for all the world to read. Ah, the weird struggles of a writer. 😉
This story, though barely 20k words, has a lot of stuff in it. By stuff I mean the fun, flirty, falling-in-love bit and the happily-ever-after bit, but in addition to that, it has some of the nitty grittiest stuff I’ve ever written. Because I was crazy and overly-ambitious when I decided to write about a married couple going through a separation.
Not only do these characters not feel the warm fuzzies of love, they are smack right in the middle of the sad and mad parts of love. The parts that no one likes to go through, much less talk about. And although this is a fictional story with fictional characters, there is a lot of truth behind the fiction. Truths that I’ve experienced and learned in my own marriage. Which is why it’s a little scary for me to lay it all out there.
But I did it and I’m very glad I did. Sometimes we need to read (and talk) about real life stuff. Because that’s the only way we’ll know we’re not alone. There’s comfort in knowing that all of us go through hard times (definitely some harder than others) and all of us struggle. That was my motivation in tackling this story head (and heart) on to try and make it the most realistic that I could, while weaving a thread of hope throughout (’cause I love happy endings!).
I can’t say too much more about it yet, but I’m excited to announce that my story will be part of a boxed set of winter-themed romance stories featuring kids. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to work with some awesome authors in putting this together for you all!
In the meantime, let me share the playlist I made for my story titled, “Tropical Kiss or Miss” (yes, it’s set in Hawaii!). Enjoy!
What are some fiction books you have read that contain a lot of truth?