Taking the “Break” Out of Spring Break

Here’s a recent convo I had with E:

E: Is Aunt coming to dinner?

Me: No, she has to work. Only students get this week off.

E: No, people who work at home do, too.

Me (this was my reply):

This was my reply. LOL

LOL. Because in reality, entertaining two munchkins who are perpetually bored left me with enough time this week to do this:



Just kidding. Somehow the munchkins and I did manage to visit Target and Toys ‘r Us, buy groceries, make yummy breakfast sandwiches (get the easy recipe HERE) and create a stuffed shark for E’s school project.


2 T-shirts and some stuffing, felt and googly eyes and ta-da!

2 T-shirts and some stuffing, felt and googly eyes and ta-da!

I’ve also been working like a madwoman to edit my book (yup, it’s done!), which means I’ve been listening to lots of pop music. Here’s a fun one I’ve had on repeat, MKTO’s “Classic”. One half of this duo was the actor who played Walt on the TV show “Lost”!

How did you spend your spring break? 🙂


    • mamaho says:

      Hahaha, thanks Amy for your enthusiastic !!!’s! It started out looking like a whale at first until we added the fins. Whew! 😉

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