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Me in my only bikini ever! |
Hi there, I’m Mama Ho. I’m a wife and mother of 2 who was born and raised as a square gal (though with a round head). This blog shares my road to recovery in trying to become a more well-rounded person.
I love family beach days, musicals, the color pink and white chocolate macadamia nut ice cream. In my former life (before kids), I received a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Western Seminary and worked as a counselor. Nowadays, I am gaining real life, hands-on experience as a stay at home mom. I’ve also recently embarked on a new adventure of being a freelance writer and author.
If this is your first time here, I’m so glad you stopped by! 🙂 Feel free to browse around to learn more about:
~ My munchkins, via the “Mamahood” category.
~ My hubby, via the “Marriage” category.
~ My journey as a writer, as well as book-related news, such as cover reveals and author interviews, via the “Makings” category.
~ My not-so-deep thoughts about my Christian faith and life lessons, via the “Musings” category.
~ My “Monday Mentionables” series (currently on hiatus due to everything I’m juggling in life!) that highlights some fun things that get me going on those manic Mondays.
Some random/fun facts to know…
1. I got the nickname “Mama Ho” from my girlfriends after I became a mom. I’m also known as Linguini (by my college friends – Go Bears!), Joe (by my lil sis, whom I call Gloo), Honey (by my hubby, whom I also call Honey), and MO-OM! (by my kids, whom I refer to on the blog as E and C).
2. The name of this blog was inspired by Huey Lewis and the News’s song, “Hip to be Square” (from the dark ages of the 1980’s). When my hubby first reserved the blog name for me, he picked “2 square 2 be heep” (must be the Chinese accent – LOL!).
3. I love, love, love makeovers of all kinds! I believe in the power of hope, potential and change. “Before and after” pictures and stories make me happy.
4. I include a song with each post and in case you’re wondering – the post or the song, which comes first? I usually write the blog posts before picking the songs that go with them, but once in a while I’ll hear a song on the radio that will inspire a post.
In case you were wondering, here are some of my favorite posts to help get you started:
Hidden Treasures in Black Holes
Can One Person Make A Difference?
Please leave me a comment on the blog or email me at mamaho@2square2behip.com to let me know I’m not alone here in cyberspace. And come back often! 🙂
2 Square 2 Be Hip is provided for general informational purposes only. The opinions expressed here are mine and not those of any advertiser, company, affiliate or group.
The content published on the blog is protected by copyright, and any unauthorized copying, reproduction, republishing, uploading, posting, transmitting or duplicating of any of the material is prohibited without my express written permission. To obtain permission to copy portions of the blog, please contact me at mamaho@2square2behip.com.
Thank you!
Hi Liwen, I didn’t know you kept a blog sight. Thanks for sharing…your blogs have been inspiring and encouraging. Take care! In Christ, Anita.
Hi Anita! Thanks for stopping by my blog! 🙂 So nice to run into you and your hubby at random places. LOL Take care! 🙂
Hi! I just read some of your blog posts and I think you’re great writer! I found them to be so encouraging. I’m glad we got a chance to hang out.
Hi Jenni, thanks so much for stopping by my blog. 🙂 Thanks for your kind words. Hope to chat more with you sometime!
Hi Liwen
Thanks for sharing your blog with our Literary Mama readers. I remember a couple of pieces you’ve published on our blog. Congrats on the book — looks like you’ve been busy!
Thank you, Karna, for stopping by! Yes, I have been busy, but busy doing what I love. 🙂
hi Liwen!
Just saying hi and letting you know I stopped by to check out your blog briefly. Very cool! I didn’t know you were a blog writer! I’m planning to read more later when I’ve got some time. T missed C today at school. Hope she’s ok. See you soon!
Hi Matthea,
Thanks for stopping by! 🙂 Yes, C had to have two cavities filled yesterday, but all went well, thanks! See you later!
I loved the first two books in your Taking Chances series–looking forward to reading the third one soon! So nice to find a clean, well-written romance!
Hi Emily! 🙂 Yay, thank you for letting me know! I hope you enjoy Sam and Lucas’s story in Drawn To You (they were a fun couple to write!). 😀