Monday Mentionables: Orange Walls, Paleo Bread & Alex Goot

It’s August! And the storm before the calm…also known as “getting the kids and myself through summer vacation in one piece”. 🙂 Our first week post summer school was pretty good, thanks to the kids being able to play peacefully together – miracles do happen! I did some major cleaning around the house and the kids and I also painted a bathroom. 

Check out today’s mentionables:

1. Orange Walls. It is actually an orange creamsicle color, so it’s both bright and yummy. Despite it being our first time painting, I think it turned out pretty well (just don’t look too closely at the edges, haha). Now whenever it’s rainy and gloomy outside, we just need to take a potty break to “feel” the sunshine again!

The before (which was a yellow with blue mixed in)…


and the after! It looks better in person – my phone’s camera doesn’t do it justice. 🙂

2. Paleo Bread. No, I haven’t officially jumped on board the paleo bandwagon, but I do try to make things low carb for hubby’s sake (unfortunately high blood sugar runs in his family). This bread has a pretty good consistency considering it is grain-free and the main ingredient is almond butter. 

Sweetened with honey!

I got the recipe from the blog, Elana’s Pantry, which has an extensive collection of paleo recipes. She also has an amazing story of how she is healing herself from multiple sclerosis with diet and lifestyle changes.

3. Alex Goot. I can’t remember how I found this guy on youtube, but I’m glad I did. He has his own music channel and sings his own songs (which are pretty catchy), as well as covers of songs on the radio. He’s got a nerdy kind of vibe, so he’s definitely not like Justin Bieber, but that’s probably a good thing. 🙂 Check out his song, “Bright Lights“:

Have a wonderful week! 

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